"Greetings, madam..."

Ironically, when you pick up the phone these days, the most dreaded word you hear must be "Greetings!" because it almost certainly means the caller is trying to sell you something. The next sentence is invariably going to be "I am calling on behalf of XXX Bank". With me they have no chance. I just curtly say "sorry, I am busy at the moment" and then cut off. My common sense tells me that anything banks take the trouble of employing people to call and try to sell to you is probably not something to your best interest.

The most amazing thing is that it often takes just this couple of seconds of self introduction for the caller to convey to the potential customer that he or she is not doing the work with a soul. Not only do they speak like a machine, some of them don't even bother to address the other party correctly. It's irritating enough to receive such calls. It's even more so to be addressed "Greetings, madam!" when you are someone who wears a beard. It's beyond my wildest imagination how a sales call like this can be successful.

In my opinion, telesales should be completely banned.

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